Chavez Supporters Claim Victory Before Official Count
At campaign headquarters of the "Yes" and "No" camps in Caracas, leaders of both sides have made statements urging government supporters and the opposition to stay on alert on this critical voting day in Venezuela. The referendum is to decide whether or not the constitution should be amended to lift restrictions limiting the number of terms a President may serve.Leaders of the Venezuelan United Socialist Party (PSUV) said they were satisfied with the vote today and pleased to have the support of Chavez sympathizers in the referendum. PSUV spokesperson Jorge Rodríguez issued a statement alongside other party members suggesting a Chavez victory and told supporters to take to the streets in celebration. Rodriguez did, however, add that they were still waiting for the official vote tally and would assume whatever the results might be.
Leader of the "No" camp Andrés Velásquez said that the governing party used this strategy to confuse the public. He urged people to remain calm and not leave polling stations. Velásquez believes the statement made by the Chavez camp was simply a means to intimidate the opposition by having Chavez supporters take to the street in celebration of a presumed victory.
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