Kortune Fookie Predicts Very Auspicious Year

Recently, on our way home from the Renaud-Bray bookstore on Park Avenue, my daughter and I came across a large irregular-shaped wooden structure on Fairmount, right in front of Articule, an avant-garde art gallery. Through the storefront window, I could see some wooden planks, but there did not appear to be an exhibition. There was, however, a large e-mail address of a show that I assumed was to come: www.kortunefookie.com

Upon closer examination, we saw that there was a button on the structure with the instruction to push it, which I obviously did. We were dumbfounded to instantly hear a jingle and then see a small slip of paper emerge from the paper feed. The slip read, "After it rains, the grass is wet." What fun!

Obviously, it was then my daughter's turn. She pressed the button, we heard the jingle and out popped another message, "Money cannot buy good taste." We tried this several more times. Some messages were cryptic, while others were funny.

As I later discovered, this art installation by Jean-Francois Lacombe is, in fact, a large fortune cookie, or a kortune fookie. There is also an interactive component I saw when visiting the artist's web site. He actually gives you a space to create the kortune fookie messages that will emerge.

I couldn't resist. I started to type the messages I thought could advance some worthy causes:

On the environment:
Those who take their bike instead of their car will be healthy, wealthy and lucky.
If you recycle you will be lucky and if you compost too you will be even luckier.

On feminism:
Don't let corporations and advertisers frame what beauty is. Beauty comes in all colours and sizes. You are beautiful.

In addition, because I couldn't resist, I used the kortune fookie as a sort of wishing well for my blog and, shamelessly, entered the following messages.

You will receive many comments from interested readers on your blog.
Many people will subscribe by e-mail to your blog.
People will participate in your polls in unprecedented numbers.

As you can see, I had a lot of fun with this art installation.

Because this is my 100th post, I wanted to thank all my readers for their support over the last, very enjoyable, seven months. In particular, I wanted to thank my very first follower, Ida in Australia, my father, who lives in Vancouver and has sent me a lot of traffic, my wonderful work colleagues and friends who have subscribed, my blog buddy Liz Hover for her feedback and, of course, my husband for his honesty.

I would also like to thank Gina Chen for asking me to be the featured blogger in the Syracuse Post-Standard.

Please take part in my poll on what you would like to see in the future. All the best. Heather


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