Halloween in Villeray

Much to my chagrin, I was too sick to go out with my children to trick or treat last night. My husband took the kids up to our new neighbourhood (effective July 2011) in Villeray, instead of doing the rounds in the Mile End. Even though fewer people give out candy on the Plateau, when they celebrate Halloween, residents go all out. In other words, the scare factor is always given due consideration, and this usually includes tapes of scary noises, stuffed dummies sitting in lawn furniture and frightening masks. Last year, we even had a convincingly creepy lady play scary music on her accordion. In addition, Plateau residents give out lots of loot: candy, little toys and chocolate.

According to my kids, Villeray was not great from a candy standpoint. My son actually came home with a bottle of water, which resulted in an eye roll from my daughter measurable on the Richter scale. There were lots of stairs to climb for a sucker and a few candy kisses. (BTW, has anyone in the history of Halloween ever eaten a Halloween kiss? Didn't think so.) However, everyone in Villeray seemed to take part in Halloween, so no childless individuals answered the door dazed and confused to find two little kids standing on their doorstep in Halloween costumes. I told my kids that there would be places in Villeray that would be just as good as those on the Plateau. We just had to find them.

I'm sure there's someone in Villeray dying to scare the bejeezus out of me with his boa constrictor, as was the case last year. To see the boa click here.

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Halloween in the Mile End


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