Week 3: Occupy Wall Street
The Occupy Wall Street demonstration entered its third week today. Although Biz Stone et al have prevented the #OccupyWallStreet hashtag from becoming a trending topic on Twitter, it appears that the powers-that-be have been power-less this morning in controlling the hashtag #BrooklynBridge, the site of 700 protester arrests yesterday afternoon.
I did my own count for trending topics on October 1 at 1:00 EST. The top trending hashtag was #whatyoushouldknowaboutme. There was a 1 minute interval between tweets, whereas those for #OccupyWallStreet were coming in at every 10 seconds. Now how do you explain that one? Someone has tried to spin this on Twitter's behalf. Apparently, we tweeps just don't understand how trending topics are calculated. Zee trrending topiques are apparently calculated by a complex algorithm that integrates some subjective and objective variables. Now if we add a fairy tale and some BS, then shake vigorously, voilà we have a trending topic.
In other news under the #OccupyWallStreet search this morning, there are apparently 20-30,000 people protesting in Manchester (UK) today. There have also been unconfirmed reports of arrests of protesters in San Francisco and Boston, and rumours that the Marines have been called in.
A General Assembly is planned for today from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Broadway and Liberty St., NYC (Liberty Square).
Here's a link to cities all over the US where Occupy protests are taking place.
On Facebook this morning, I read an Occupy Montreal protest has been planned for October 15.
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Here's a video of mass arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday.
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